The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work offer advice for all businesses, encouraging them to consider how health and safety affects their workforce.

There are tools and tips to help you to identify issues for you and your staff and to help you implement better health and safety at work.  Every year they have a different topic which may be relevant to your business. For more information visit the Healthy Workplaces website.

CIEH Level 2 Award: Health and Safety in the Workplace

This Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace is suitable for all employees. The course is aimed specifically at persons who have not previously received any formal Health and Safety training.

We unfortunately no longer run this course. Further information regarding the course can be found on the CIEH website along with details of alternative providers.

Ladder exchange initiative

The ladder exchange initiative has been running over the last few years by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Ladder Association, enabling businesses with broken or damaged ladders to trade them in for a brand new set. 

Ladders are not banned by health and safety legislation but all work at height needs to be planned to be sure that you are using the right type of equipment. 

For short duration type work ladders could be ideal as long as they are high enough, can accommodate the weight of the person and the load and the person using the ladders can maintain three points of contact. 

You also need to be aware that not everyone knows how to use ladders safely so training those employees in safe methods of work is important. 

  • Help choosing the right work equipment
  • More information on exchanging broken ladders

Last updated: Mon 18th May, 2020 @ 16:45