Frequently asked questions for the Broadnook Garden Village development can be found below:

Why will Broadnook be known as a Garden Village?

Broadnook, takes its name from the landmark spinney on the site and will be a new community with its own special identity and character. It will be particularly distinguished by a very generous and extensive framework of green space and planting. Well over 50% of the site will comprise:

  • parkland and open spaces
  • priorities for nature conservation and biodiversity
  • woodland and wetland
  • playing fields
  • allotments
  • walkways and cycleways
  • a “Central Walk” based on New Walk in Leicester
  • pleasant links to the countryside and Charnwood Forest

What is the approach to layout and design?

Charnwood has a locally distinctive heritage of “garden suburb” housing prompted by the arrival of the Great Central Railway passing through Charnwood Forest. Good examples of the spacious and dignified characteristics can be found at Rothley (the most extensive area), Quorn and Birstall near to the stations. Broadnook will recreate the tried and tested themes – attractive and well-built homes of traditional character with good-sized gardens, adequate parking, plenty of planting and arranged in landscaped boulevards, crescents and tree-lined streets, all with open spaces and parks nearby. The Broadnook planning permission is what is known as a hybrid consent – it includes significant elements of fully developed proposals so that the attention to detail is already in place.

Will there be facilities and services to support the new community?

A comprehensive mixed use local centre is proposed incorporating a full range of first class facilities – the centrepiece of a walkable neighbourhood. It is well worth taking a look at the approved Broadnook Centre Planning Brief because it sets out the location, content and architectural style of this “heart of the community”. It is important too that the facilities are provided in a timely fashion as the development takes place. The “Section 106 Agreement” which forms part of the consent, defines and controls the agreed trigger points which will ensure delivery.

Are education and health care facilities planned and given appropriate priority?

Yes. In terms of primary education a new 3 Form Entry (3FE) school – Broadnook Primary School - will be built in a central location and in three phases as the community expands. Significant investment will also be made at Cedars Academy to provide additional secondary level capacity, again in a phased fashion.

Design of the primary school is already well advanced. So too is the neighbouring multi-purpose community building which is to be known as Broadnook Hall. It includes a community hall, social and meeting spaces, an opportunity for a GP practice, dentist and pharmacy as well as a café, rooms for social enterprise and some specialist housing.

Will there be a range of housing opportunities at Broadnook?

A full range and choice of house size, type and tenure will be brought forward including 319 affordable homes. The Broadnook planning consent includes full detailed approval for 193 homes which confirms the commitment to the leafy garden village layout and style. Special attention is also being given to providing for the Borough’s ageing population in the form of an assisted living “retirement  village” and a care home as part of the Broadnook Centre.

Who will be providing the new houses?

The principal landowners – the Palmer-Tomkinson Trust and Cooper family – have invited two housebuilding companies with locally sensitive knowledge and experience – Barwood Homes and Davidsons Homes – to put forward proposals for an initial phase. The approved drawings show thoughtfully designed, prestigious new houses in attractive landscaped surroundings. They will establish the bespoke Broadnook Garden Village character.

Will new jobs be available at Broadnook?

Broadnook occupies an extremely advantageous location at the confluence of the A6 and A46 close to the principal urban area of Leicester. It provides a large area and an excellent opportunity for economic development including creative, small and medium enterprises in a landscaped setting. In garden suburb/village tradition it will be possible to live and work in the same location with its comprehensively pleasant surroundings.

How will the facilities and the large areas of open space and landscaping be managed and maintained?

Long term stewardship is a top priority. It is proposed that the garden village assets will be looked after in a similar way to the tried and tested experience of the original garden cities and suburbs such as Letchworth, Hampstead and Bournville. They were on a larger scale but the priorities and principles apply. A Broadnook Garden Village Trust will be set up and will be responsible for an approved estate management plan. The Trust will maintain enduring high standards for the green infrastructure and public realm and be responsible for the community facilities. The Trust will be constituted as a Community Interest Company and operate on a non-profit basis. Households and enterprises will contribute an annual stewardship charge and will be members of the Trust.

How will liaison with the existing nearby communities and the early Broadnook residents be achieved?

Commencing in the near future and for at least the initial period a local liaison group is to be set up and known as the Broadnook Foundation. Meeting on a regular basis representatives of each of the existing nearby villages – Wanlip, Birstall, Rothley and Thurcaston/Cropston – will be invited to participate. This will ensure that the nature of the proposals and the programme will be shared, ease of contact and communication will be available and an opportunity to comment and air any concerns. As the Broadnook population grows the Broadnook Garden Village Trust will take on the primary responsibilities for consultation and engagement.

When is development expected to start?

Initial highway works and site preparatory works are well underway. It is expected that the first phase of residential development will be commenced in winter 2023/24, with first occupations expected to be achieved in Summer 2024.

Will there be affordable housing on the site?

To provide 16% of the total number of Class C3 dwellings as affordable homes (i.e. 319 of 1,950) with a tenure mix of 50% (160) affordable rent; 25% (80) shared ownership; 25% (79) discounted market sales. These will be a mix of housing types and a mix of sizes distributed across the site as a whole.


As the project progresses important contact details will be added here. At present the Case Officer at Charnwood Borough Council can be contacted at

Last updated: Wed 1st November, 2023 @ 08:54