Landlord Services is writing to council tenants to inform them that property surveyors Savills has been commissioned by Charnwood Borough Council to undertake a stock condition survey of their property.
The purpose of the survey is to assess future repairs and maintenance requirements. This will involve the surveyors gaining access to a number of homes to gather information regarding their condition. They will also look at communal areas and gardens.
The surveys will commence on Monday, 25 November 2024 with the intention of completing by end of March 2025.
A surveyor may call at your property during this period and, if this is the case, we would be grateful if you could give him/her access. All staff will be wearing a Savills identification badge and will carry a letter of authority on Charnwood Borough Council headed paper.
We would stress that you should not take time off work, or wait in for a surveyor to call. If you are not at home should a surveyor call, he/she will leave a calling card from which a mutually convenient time can be arranged.
In the first instance, any queries relating to this survey and access to your property may be directed to Savills at 0800 116 4655 or
For further information regarding the survey, please scan the QR code using the camera on your smartphone or visit the Savills stock survey webpage.
Any repairs to your property, or other queries or concerns may be reported to the Council directly through the repairs webpage or by phone on 01509 634 666.
Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are Savills?
Savills are a firm of surveyors that the Council have employed to look at the condition of our housing stock.
What will they be doing / where will they be going?
They will need to look at the inside and outside of your house (or internal and external / communal areas of block if a dwelling is a flat), which will include taking photographs. This will include access to your loft if you have one.
The survey is entirely visual. There will be no need to move furniture, but they will need to access any cupboards that contain a boiler or electrical fuse board.
What do I need to do next?
Nothing. A Savills surveyor will call at your property and we would appreciate if you can give them access.
You do not have to wait in. If you are out the surveyor will leave a calling card for you to call him/her to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.
How will I know if it is a bogus caller?
The surveyor will have a Savills ID badge, a letter from the Council/HA authorising that person to conduct the survey and will be wearing Savills branded clothing.
You can call this number as we will have the details of all the surveyors on site
Can the surveyor provide me with feedback at the end of the survey?
No, unfortunately not they are just collecting data to be input into the Council’s asset management system. The survey is to allow the Council to plan future investment that will aim to improve energy efficiency and ensure that your homes are safe and maintained properly.
What if I have a repair outstanding, or needs reporting?
Unfortunately the surveyor cannot record repairs and please report these in the normal way through the repairs webpage or by phone on 01509 634 666.
Last updated: Tue 28th January, 2025 @ 12:58