We are holding a virtual landlord forum to provide a further update on new licensing requirements and to find out how to apply online.

Landlords and letting agents are invited to come along to find out more about the Additional and Selective Licensing schemes which have been introduced in Charnwood.

During the session, there will be an overview of the licensing schemes and a demonstration of the online application process. There will also be an opportunity to ask any questions about applying for the schemes.

The forum will include representatives from the borough council and MetaStreet, the online platform which will be used to manage private sector housing licensing applications.

The online event will be held via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday February 7 at 6pm. To sign up for the forum, please email private.housing@charnwood.gov.uk by Sunday February 5.

Joining instructions will be sent on Monday February 6 via email to those registered.

The Additional and Selective licensing schemes will enable the Council to work with landlords to drive up standards across privately rented homes by ensuring they are suitable for tenants to live in and are being managed effectively.

Last updated: Fri 31st March, 2023 @ 09:48