Any street trading or activity in Loughborough town centre requires the completion of the relevant application form. 

This means that any person or company who wishes to sell items from a trailer or stall in a town centre street, must apply for consent from Charnwood Borough Council.

There are two types of consent:

  1. Street Trading Consent - for the selling of goods on an annual basis
  2. Town Centre Activity Consent - for the selling or promotion on a daily/weekly basis

Please email  for the relevant application forms.

Please note: Charnwood does not operate a street traders license outside of the town centre


No street trading or town centre activity may take place until permission has been granted.

If traders wish to trade on private land they must seek the permission of the land owner. However, if the trade involves more than four stalls then please refer to our Rival Markets webpage.

They are also advised to be mindful of not creating a nuisance to surrounding business or dwellings. Traders must not obstruct any pathways or roads with their vehicles.

All traders selling food must be registered as a food business with a Local authority. Please note: This is unlikely to apply in the case of charity stalls.

If they provide late night refreshment after 11pm,  then a late night refreshment license would be required for this. Traders would need to contact

If traders would like further information about street trading (food only) please contact

Street Trading Consent

From April 1, 2024, this is for the sale of goods and services which have the following categories:

  • Food (annual) - £1,813,08
  • Food (daily) - £50.02
  • Non-food (annual) - £1,245.19
  • Non-food (daily) - £41.68

There is a small supplementary service charge for electric of £9.38 per day.

Town Centre Activity Consent

This is for promotion of services that are not for sale e.g. for information only.

  • Commercial activity (daily) - £78.15 (Book 7 days for the price of 6)
  • Charity booking (daily from third party booking agent) - £78.15
  • Charity booking (daily directly from the charity) - £41.68

There is a small supplementary service charge for electric of £9.38 per day.

Trading on Loughborough Markets

If you wish to trade on Loughborough markets, please visit our Trading on Loughborough's markets web page.

Pavement Licences

A licence is needed to put tables and chairs on the street outside business premises, to create a street cafe or to use street or pavement space for displays. 

For more information please visit the Pavement Licence webpage.     

Other people we may consult with

Following the receipt of a valid application for street trading consent or town centre activity, we may consult with various people, including:

  • Police
  • Leicestershire County Council Highways
  • Street Management
  • Licensing

For further information and/or to apply for any of the above, please email .

Last updated: Wed 17th April, 2024 @ 16:24