Churchyard Cross St Marys Church, Bradgate Road, Anstey (Ancient Monument)

Geo: 52.6718, -1.1890
Date ListedFri 15th December, 2000
CategoryScheduled Ancient Monument
AddressChurchyard Cross St Marys Church, Bradgate Road, Anstey Anstey
GradeAncient Monuments
Grid ReferenceSK5493708541
LBSMonument Number 30224
Volume, Map, Item30224
Conservation AreaAnstey

The monument includes a standing stone cross located within the churchyard of St Mary?s Church approximately 18m south of the south porch. The cross which is Listed Grade II and medieval in date includes a socket stone and part of a shaft.
The socket stone is roughly octagonal and a maximum of 0.75m in diameter. Set into the centre of the socket is a circular stone shaft 1.4m high. The full surviving height of the cross is approximately 1.55m.
The grave stone which lies immediately to the north of the cross is excluded from the scheduling although the ground beneath is included.

The description above describes the salient features of the building as it was at the date of listing. It is given in order to aid identification; it is not intended to be either comprehensive or exclusive.