A comprehensive review of the current conservation area boundaries in Loughborough has been carried out and the proposed changes to the boundaries can be seen in the documents below:

We are seeking the public’s views on the proposed changes to the conservation area boundaries in Loughborough.

The consultation period will run from February 5 to March 5, 2018. You can give your views by completing our online survey.

If you require a paper copy of the survey then please contact or pick one up from the Council offices.

More information is available in this press release.

What will it mean if my property moves into a conservation area?

If your property is in a conservation area then there are different planning controls for development, demolition and alterations. This also includes work to trees, advertisements and general enhancement of a conservation area.

Permitted Development rights are usually more restricted and planning permission may be needed.

How do you decide if an area is taken out of a conservation area?

Conservation area designation is justified because of is special architectural or historic interest. Part of the requirements of the review is to identify if the special interest of the area has changed. 

To ensure that the importance of the conservation area is not devalued, the parts of the area that no longer contribute to the conservation area’s special character need to be considered for exclusion.

What are the planning restrictions on properties within a conservation area?

More information can be found on our conservation areas in Charnwood webpage.

Will this just affect properties?

No, trees are also affected. Cutting down a tree or doing any pruning work requires notifying the Council. This is to give the Council time to assess the contribution the tree makes to the character of the conservation area and if the works would damage this.

Areas of land are also included where they contribute to the special character of the area. This is to ensure that ongoing management of this land does not detract from the area’s character and appearance.

Last updated: Mon 21st January, 2019 @ 09:23