Many planning permissions granted by the Council have conditions attached limiting the hours that construction work can take place to protect residential amenity.

As part of the Government’s bid to restart the economy during the pandemic, construction sites in England can apply to temporarily extend their operating hours to make it easier for them to follow public health guidance onsite, practice safe working and stagger construction workers where social distancing might otherwise be challenging.

It has been made clear that as a local planning authority, the Council is expected to consider these requests favourably, even if conditions are in place. Requests should only be rejected or enforced where there are compelling and justified reasons to do so as set out in the guidance.

These changes may mean some disturbance in local areas as construction sites work for longer hours as outlined by the government guidance.

Developers will need to make sure that all is being done to avoid nuisance during these extended hours and demonstrate this in construction method statements. This could mean they undertake less noisy works between 6pm and 9pm.

More information about planning applications can be found on our planning web pages.

Last updated: Wed 22nd December, 2021 @ 10:09