A key decision is an executive decision which is likely:
- To result in the council incurring expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to our budget for the service or function to which the decision relates.
- To be significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more wards in the borough.
Notice of Key Decisions and Exempt Items
The following document sets out matters which it is believed will be the subject of a "key decision" or a "confidential decision" to be taken by the Cabinet, Cabinet Member or by an Officer.
- KDN - 11 Feb 2025 (PDF Document, 0.19 Mb)
On occasion, due to reasons of urgency, it is not possible to include information on the Forward Plan for the full 28 days before the report is to be considered and the decision taken. When this happens special notice must be given and in some cases special consent obtained.
Decisions are only made using the special notice and urgency provisions as a last resort, in genuinely urgent situations.
There are two types of notice that may be given:
Notice of General Exception – This is used to give at least 5 days notice of a decision and to inform the Chair of the Scrutiny Commission, or in his/her absence the Mayor or Deputy Mayor why it is not possible or practical to include it on the Forward Plan for the full 28 days before the decision is taken.
Request for Special Urgency – This is used where the matter is so urgent that it cannot be reasonably deferred, even for 5 days and requires the consent of the Chair of the Scrutiny Commission or in his/her absence the Mayor or Deputy Mayor) for the decision to be made without notice being given.
Notices of General Exception
Current notices will be published here (if any):
Notices of Special Urgency
Current notices will be published here (if any):
- Special Urgency Notice - Condition and energy survey housing stock (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- Special Urgency Notice - Banbury Cross Business Park (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Notice of intention to consider a decision in private
Notices of intention to consider matters in private at Cabinet which were not included on the Notice of Executive Key Decisions and Exempt Items will be published here (if any):
Last updated: Tue 11th February, 2025 @ 12:48