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Here is a summary of the projects included in the Future Charnwood Investment Plan which is being supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

1. Improvements to Anstey community facilities

Anstey Parish Council has begun work extending the Jubilee Hall in the village with the aim to increase its usage by community groups. The hall is already used by all sections of the community from mother and toddler groups, training events to lunch clubs for the elderly.

This project will provide a second community hall which will double the capacity for community facilities. There will
be a particular focus on activities for young people in the area.

2. Multi-use Games Area in Birstall

Birstall Parish Council plan to install a multi-use games area on the School Lane playing fields in early 2024 which will enhance the area for all age groups and abilities.

The Parish council advise the new facility is much needed and will encourage families to gather at a central location in the village and prevent people from having to travel out of the area for similar facilities.

3. Sileby Memorial Park and Pavilion

Sileby Parish Council has begun work regenerating Sileby Memorial Park and Pavilion which will improve the community green space at the heart of the village. It wants to create a destination park that all residents are proud of and want to visit.

The space will provide opportunities for community events, activities, sporting fixtures and a multi-functional meeting venue. The scheme also aims to help increase footfall and dwell time in the village centre.

4. Expanding Mountsorrel sports facilities

Mountsorrel Parish Council plan to create new cricket and football pitches off Halstead Road to support the local sporting scene and ease the pressure on the existing pitches there and at the War Memorial Fields.

The Council also plan to build a new pavilion at Halstead Road.

5. Living Wall & Charnwood Gardeners' Fair Project

Love Loughborough have begun running Charnwood Gardeners’ Fair, which has already proved popular, and aims to bring more visitors to the town centre.

They are also moving forward with plans to improve the façade above a row of shops in Devonshire Square which will see it covered in a Living Wall, containing panels of plants added to the building to grow and bring nature into the town centre.

6. Regenerating Shepshed’s Market Place

Charnwood Borough Council is working to transform Market Place in Shepshed by creating an open and more pedestrian-friendly space while retaining parking for shoppers. The scheme is broadly looking to create a large pedestrian area in front of the shops to create a much-improved environment for visitors as well as a place to host small-scale events and market stalls.

A pedestrian crossing will be added to make the area safer. Pavements will also be widened and new seating, cycling facilities and trees and planting will also be added. The scheme will provide an improved gateway to Shepshed. This is hopefully the first phase of improvements for the town and the Council is hoping to make improvements to the Bull Ring and Hall Croft in the future.

7. Re-imagining Loughborough’s iconic Carillon Tower and War Memorial Museum

The Carillon Tower in Queen’s Park Loughborough is the town’s war memorial and home to the popular War Memorial Museum. a project is looking at ways to improve the museum.

8. Gorse Covert Youth Project, Loughborough

Gorse Covert Community Association is working on a three-year programme of youth support, including the appointment of a dedicated youth support worker. The programme facilitates drop-in sessions, workshops and activities as well as develop opportunities to improve young people’s, confidence, and capabilities.

A youth wing would also be set up at Gorse Covert Community Centre and operate drop-in sessions, workshops and be a safe space for young people.

The project aims to create a Youth Council to help give young people a voice. As well as discussions, the Youth Council would also help young people give their views on local and national issues.

9. Generation Charnwood

Youth Sport Trust, in partnership with Active Together, proposed the Generation Charnwood project.

It is now working to improve the wellbeing, life chances and employability skills of young people in the borough through sport. The project is working with schools, employers and partners to support them to use sport to help improve young people’s skills.

It is also offering training to help young people develop leadership skills, support after school activities and help young people connect with potential employers.

10. Nanpantan Scout Hut

Nanpantan Scout Group is progressing their plans to build a new scout hut which will secure its future as a thriving group for young people.

The new scout hut would replace two aging buildings currently being used by the group at its base in Nanpantan Road. The new hut would also be available for use by the local community.

Business support project - Exemplas

Exemplas have been commissioned to deliver a Scale Up business support programme aimed at businesses looking to grow. 

Read more about the Scale Up programme

Last updated: Tue 9th July, 2024 @ 13:29