The Mayor receives around 650 invitations to events each year.

Invitations are dealt with in the order that they are received and it is best to plan well ahead as some engagements are accepted many months in advance. The Mayor is unlikely to be able to accept an invitation at less than 14 days notice.

To invite the Mayor to an event it is always a good idea to contact the Mayor's Office to see if the Mayor is likely to be available at the particular date and time you have in mind. The office will be able to take some brief details over the phone or if you prefer you can complete an online form.

Online Request Form

How your invitation is dealt with

All invitations received by phone, email, letter or via online request form are shown to the Mayor during a weekly diary meeting, and if the Mayor is available to attend your event an acceptance letter or email will be sent.

You will also receive a leaflet offering some guidance on the protocol to be observed and a Mayoral Booking Confirmation Form which must be completed and returned.

In the event that the Mayor is unable to attend your event but they feel that it is one at which they should be represented, you may be asked if it would be acceptable to you for the Deputy Mayor to attend in their place.

What happens on the day of your event

On the day of your event the Mayor will arrive at the precise time you stated on the Booking Form. (This should be just a few minutes before the event starts.) It is helpful if a parking space can be reserved for the civic car.

Please give some thought to what you wish to achieve by having the Mayor at your function and what you would like the Mayor to do. This may perhaps include making a presentation, receiving a cheque, reading a lesson, making a speech or drawing a raffle.

Please also bear in mind that the Mayor often has several civic engagements following throughout the day and will need to leave your event on time in order to maintain their schedule.

Advice on protocol

The Mayor should be announced as "The Worshipful the Mayor of Charnwood, Councillor Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE" (and the Mayoress Julie Ellenbeck)

In conversation they should be addressed as:

  • "Madam Mayor"
  • "Mayoress"

Somebody should be nominated to meet the Mayor on arrival and accompany them throughout the engagement. The Mayor is the First Citizen of the borough and as such should be regarded as your principal guest.

The Mayor will be attended at your event by an Officer who will be able to help you with any advice you require. If you are organising a procession, or a formal seating plan please contact the Mayor's office for advice on the correct protocol.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Mayor's Office should you have any further queries.

Last updated: Mon 1st July, 2024 @ 15:50