Frequently asked questions about the Voter ID requirements for Voter Authority Certificates can be found below.

Frequently asked questions

Why would I need a Voter Authority Certificate?

If you do not have any of the accepted photo ID, and you want to vote at the polling station, you will need to apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate. This is a free photographic identification document specific for the purposes of voting.

How do I apply?

You can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate by visiting our Mandatory Voter ID Requirements webpage.

What sort of photo should I provide when I apply for a Voter Authority Certificate?

Your digital photo must be:

  • clear and in focus
  • in colour
  • against a plain, light-coloured background
  • your true likeness, with no photoshop or filters
  • at least 600×750 pixels
  • JPG, PNG, HEIC, HEIF or GIF format — min 50KB, max 20MB

In your photo you must:

  • face forwards, looking straight at the camera
  • be alone, with no other objects or people
  • have a plain expression
  • have eyes open and visible, with no hair in front of them
  • not wear sunglasses, but normal glasses are fine if you typically wear them
  • not have a head covering (apart from religious or medical reasons), including a hat or headphones
  • not have ‘red-eye’, glare or shadows over your face.

Last updated: Thu 11th July, 2024 @ 14:13