Residential planning

If a resident is thinking of making alterations to their house/flat they will need to consult the planning section to see if they require planning permission. Applicants will need planning permission if the applicant's property is a listed building, if the applicant is planning to alter or extend their home, if there is a change of use (working from home) and no longer a main home or if the applicant is interested in putting up a new home. If planning permission is required, the resident must fill in the Standard Planning Application Form (1APP) and meet all of the Planning Application Requirements (PAR).


  • Do I need planning permission?

    Outlines whether planning permission may be required for residential, non-residential, listed buildings, advertising and trees and hedgerows.

  • Planning information

    Information outlining the role of the Development Management Service. The Planning Service and Planning Information

  • Self assessment forms

    planning self assessment forms