The safety of our tenants is paramount and we ensure any home we let meets the necessary safety guidelines.

It's also important you have access to advice and information about what to do if there is a fire.

Below is some handy information for tenants and more fire safety advice is available on the Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service website.

We have also produced a four-page A5 leaflet for tenants that can be found below: 

Fire safety in the home leaflet for tenants

You can also read a statement made by the leader of the Council, following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower.

Advice for tenants living in flats and sheltered schemes

  • Comply with the conditions of your tenancy, making sure that you allow access for essential maintenance work and gas and electrical safety checks
  • Do not prop open fire doors
  • Do not make alterations to the internal structure of your home without written consent from us. Examples include replacing or removing internal doors or entrance doors; altering electrics; the installation of gas and solid fuel appliances (including log burners). 
  • Make sure you read and fully understand the fire safety notices which are displayed in the communal areas. These will tell you what to do in the event of a fire.
  • Do not smoke in any communal areas
  • Make sure exit routes are kept clear and no items are left in communal areas, even if they are just for decoration, for example curtains and window coverings.  We will inspect your communal stairway and the area surrounding your home at least once a month and dispose of any items left in communal areas
  • Do not interfere with windows on the communal staircase. In the event of a fire the fire brigade need to be able to open these windows to allow smoke to escape
  • Do not prop open the main entrance door and make sure it closes properly behind you. We also advise you not to let strangers into the building
  • Do not store, charge or use mobility scooters in communal areas
  • Make sure you do not do anything to put yourself, anyone else or your home at risk
  • Let us know as soon as possible if you notice any repairs needed in the communal area by calling our Contact Centre on 01509 634567

Stay Put Policy

The guiding principles of the policy are:

If a fire occurs in your own flat, and if it is safe to do so, evacuate. If there is a lot of smoke, stay low and crawl along the floor where the air will be clearer.

When everyone is out, make sure you close the door to stop the fire spreading, exit the block of flats and call the fire service on 999.

If a fire starts in the communal areas of the building, leave the building and call the fire service on 999. Do not re-enter the building.

All other residents that are not directly affected by the fire would be expected to ‘stay put’ and remain in their flats, unless smoke or heat affects their flat or they are directed to leave by the fire and rescue service.

However, those who wish to leave the building will not be prevented from doing so.

Never use lifts in the event of a fire and do not re-enter the building until the fire service tells you it is safe to do so.

If you are in any doubt, get out, stay out and dial 999.

Advice for tenants living in houses and bungalows

  • Comply with the conditions of your tenancy and make sure that you allow access for essential maintenance work and gas and electrical safety checks
  • Do not make alterations to the internal structure of your home without written consent from us. Examples include replacing or removing internal doors or entrance doors; altering electrics; the installation of gas and solid fuel appliances (including log burners). 
  • Do not drill or make any alterations to the rendering or cladding on the outside of your home
  • Make sure you have a fire action plan and ensure everyone in your household knows what to do in the event of a fire
  • Decide on an alternative escape route if possible in case the normal exit is blocked
  • Keep all escape routes clear of boxes and other trip hazards
  • Know where any window and door keys are kept
  • If a fire occurs in your home and you can do so safely, ensure you and your family leave the building and close the door behind you. Do not re-enter the building, and wait outside away from the building. Call 999 and alert your neighbours.

Information for leaseholders

Ensure your tenants are fully aware of the fire precautions and procedures we have in place as detailed.  They also need to know not to make any alterations to the flat without prior permission.  Flats have particular fire safety features built in and amending these, for example by changing doors, particularly front doors leading into communal areas, could reduce these safety features.

Smoke alarms

The easiest way to protect your home and family from fire is with working smoke alarms.  It is essential you don’t forget to test your smoke alarms, you should test them at least once a month, if any of the smoke alarms are not working please ensure you report this to our customer services team on 01509 634666.

  • Test the batteries in your smoke alarm every week, change them every year and never remove them
  • Never disconnect or take the batteries out of your alarm if it goes off by mistake
  • We also advise that you never ignore your neighbours smoke alarm
  • Test your smoke alarm at least once a month
  • We have both battery and mains powered smoke alarms installed in our homes which are checked annually

Fire safety checklist

You can prevent a fire from happening by taking a few simple steps

  • Check that your smoke alarm is working before you go to bed
  • Close all internal doors to stop a fire from spreading
  • Switch off any electrical equipment overnight
  • Make sure all cigarettes and candles are put out properly, never leave a candle alight when leaving your home
  • Take care when placing candles, do not put them on storage heaters, televisions or any other item that gives off heat
  • Use a fireguard in front of fires
  • Do not leave cooking unattended
  • Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children
  • Do not overload sockets with adapters and plugs
  • Only use chargers, which have been purchased with the appliance such as mobile phones and electronic e-cigarettes. Do not leave them plugged in overnight or whilst out of the property
  • Make sure you act on any manufacturer product recalls, do not ignore them
  • Do not hang clothes to dry near gas appliances, cookers, storage heaters or portable heaters
  • Do not store petrol or other highly flammable liquids anywhere in your home

Further advice

Fire Safety Statement

Fire safety in the kitchen

Fire safety advice for battery-powered scooters and e-bikes

Fire safety advice for battery-powered mobility scooters and wheelchairs

Fire safety advice for e-cigarettes and vapes

Winter fire safety in the home

Last updated: Tue 11th February, 2025 @ 11:37