Charnwood Borough Council uses a well-established Leicestershire-wide event notification and reporting process.

This is designed to support event organisers to run events safely and effectively, and to signpost them to guidance on the measures that they might need to take to ensure that they comply with the relevant legislation and guidance.  It also helps us to fulfil our responsibility to flag information about upcoming events to our partner agencies, including the Emergency Services and Leicestershire County Council. 

If you wish to use Council owned land or Loughborough Market Place for any event you must make a formal application to us, and receive approval in writing, before your event can go ahead. Further information about the application process can be found on our planning an event webpage.

If you are holding an event elsewhere in Charnwood we would like to hear from you about your event if it falls into one or one or more the following categories:

  • Attendance of more than 500 people
  • VIP /Military interest or attendance
  • Highway impact (including road closures or restrictions)

Please complete the form below and return it to us at .

Read our Event Booking and Venue Hire Policy

Who decides if an event can go ahead?

It is the responsibility of the event organiser(s) to decide if an event goes ahead.

The Council does not have general powers to stop events. If concerns are raised which relate to specific areas that the Council has powers over, such as the sale of alcohol, food safety, licensing, noise or health and safety then we may be able to take some formal action. We can also decide whether an event can go ahead on our land. Concerns about highways are the responsibility of Leicestershire County Council.

Who is responsible for the management of the event?

The event organiser is responsible for the safe planning and delivery of their event. The Council is not responsible for managing events in Charnwood other than those which they deliver themselves. Events cannot take place on Council-owned land (or on Loughborough Market Place) unless we give formal approval in writing. The vast majority of events in Charnwood do not take place on Council land.

Read our Event Booking and Venue Hire Policy

Last updated: Fri 19th April, 2024 @ 14:24