This quick guide gives a summary of our Charnwood Community Grants programmes.

For more information, please refer to the Charnwood Grants webpage.

If you wish to make an application, you should read the relevant guidance notes in full as there have been changes made to the 2024/25 grants programme including an online application process.

Please note that the NEW Charnwood Small Community Grants programme has replaced the Member Grants and is primarily but not exclusively intended to benefit small Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations supporting people at Borough Ward and /or a very local level.

Charnwood Community Grants

Maximum grant level

Up to £5,000

What the grant programme covers

Funding for the activities of properly constituted Community and Voluntary Sector organisations and projects in Charnwood, including organisational running costs (for up to one year), for environmental projects and one-off contributions for equipment costs for projects with community benefit.

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Community Facilities Grants

Maximum grant level

Up to £20,000 (maximum of 50% of the costs of any one programme)

What the grant programme covers

Capital funding is available to assist with the renovation, improvement and new provision of community buildings and external enhancement of adjacent outside space e.g. disabled access, verandas, patios, play areas, storage, improved access (not for routine maintenance or equipment).

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Charnwood Small Community Grants

Maximum grant level

Up to £750 for VCS Organisations with an income of less than £20,000.

The New Charnwood Small Community Grants programme can provide up to £750 for the activities of properly constituted Voluntary and Community and Voluntary Sector (VCS) organisations and projects in Charnwood, including organisational running costs and projects (for up to one year), and one-off contributions for equipment costs for projects with community benefit.

A maximum of 2 grants can be applied for across all grant programmes in 2024/25 including Small, Community and * Facilities Grants for different organisational and project activities costs. *Please contact Tina Robinson VCS Development Officer before applying for a Facilities Grant to ensure eligibility criteria will be met.

VCS organisations with an income of less than £20,000 can also apply to the Community Grants programme if they can demonstrate it will fund ongoing general running costs, project delivery or development of the organisation.

Priority will be given to requests from eligible VCS organisations to deliver community-based services, projects and activities that are specifically focused on improving the lives, health and wellbeing of vulnerable and disadvantaged people and communities in Charnwood. Requests to mitigate the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on VCS organisations and those they support will be of particular interest.

Funding can be used for organisational general running costs and project costs (for up to one year), and one-off contributions for equipment costs.

This is a fast-tracked programme where funding is intended to be for immediate and short-term expenditure costs and one-off contributions for equipment for small projects and events.  However, small VCS organisations needing to secure future general running costs can also apply.

For further information, advice or assistance please contact

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Last updated: Tue 9th July, 2024 @ 10:40