What did the Council consult on?

The Council recently consulted on the licensing conditions for the borough-wide Additional Licensing scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO). 

Why don't you just go ahead and introduce the Licensing Conditions without consultation?

On December 10, 2020 Cabinet approved the proposed draft Licence Conditions and for a consultation exercise to be undertaken on the conditions.

How long did the consultation last?

The Council consulted on the licence conditions for six weeks from January 18, 2021 to February 26, 2021.

How can I have my say?

This consultation has now closed.

What conditions will apply to Additional Licensing?

There will be a range of conditions attached to each licence which will relate to the management of the property. There are some mandatory conditions, which we are required by law to place on the licence.

These include conditions regarding gas safety, electrical safety, smoke alarms etc.

The Council has the discretion to attach a range of local conditions. These will include conditions regarding energy performance, security, property management and dealing with anti-social behaviour amongst others.

Full details of these conditions can be found on the Licence Conditions for Additional Licensing Consultation web page. 

What happens now the consultation has finished?

A consultation report will be produced to record the views/opinions of those consulted. At this time the Council will then decide whether to:

  • Amend the proposed licensing conditions and implement them
  • Implement the proposed licensing conditions

When will the licensing scheme be implemented?

The Council has submitted an application to the Secretary of State for the selective licensing scheme. There is no specific timescale for the application to be considered.

The Council wants to implement both the additional and selective licensing schemes at the same time and once we have a response from the secretary of state and a confirmed start date, the Council will issue a public notice.

What happens if the licence conditions are breached?

If a licence is issued and the conditions are subsequently breached, this could lead to the Council taking Court action or issuing a civil penalty of up to £30,000.

Breaching the licence conditions could lead to the revocation of the licence unless a suitable alternative licence holder could be found.

Last updated: Wed 5th October, 2022 @ 12:04