When commenting or objecting on a planning application, both go through the same process. Because of this, we refer to all objections as comments.
Anyone can comment on a planning application and all comments will be considered, but only those which raise material planning considerations can be taken into account when an application is decided.
Therefore comments against an application may not result in planning permission being refused because there are other factors which outweigh them.
Once a decision is made only the applicant can lodge an appeal.
To find out more about commenting or viewing applications, you can contact our Development Management Team at the following:
- Charnwood Borough Council, Southfield Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 2TN.
- Email: development.control@charnwood.gov.uk
Please note: Due to the number and variety of comments received we cannot acknowledge submitted comments and therefore it is the sender’s responsibility to check comments have been uploaded to Planning Explorer.
Viewing planning applications
Once an application has been made public you will have 21 days to submit your comments. Planning applications can be viewed:
- using Planning Explorer
- via our weekly list of registered applications on our website
- local residents can find the latest applications on My Charnwood's interactive map of the area
- by using the council's interactive mapping system
- at our Customer Service Centre or appropriate parish council offices
Viewing comments via Planning Explorer
The Planning Explorer web portal gives you real-time information on planning applications, allowing you to search for a specific application or look over new or undetermined applications and recent decisions. All comments are usually viewable within 48 hours of being received by us.
Please note: To view documents in Planning Explorer you will need to be using an up-to-date internet browser and operating system. Examples of this are Windows 7, 8, or 10 and recently updated browsers such as IE10, IE11, Chrome, Firefox or Opera. Older systems may not display these documents.
More information on how to use Planning Explorer
Most Decided planning applications can be viewed in the same way as current applications, but documents related to older applications (pre-1994) are not available online.
Submit a comment
Comments can be submitted via Planning Explorer or by email up until midnight on the expiry date. You can also email them to development.control@charnwood.gov.uk (please quote the application number, along with your name and address). Unfortunately we cannot receive comments over the phone or in person, as all comments must be in writing and available for public inspection.
All comments (including petition responses) are made available for public inspection which means they are not confidential. Comments will be displayed online and will include names and addresses, but we endeavour to remove telephone numbers, emails and signatures before publishing.
As your comments will be made public, please make sure that you only include information about you and your views on the application that you are happy to be seen by, and commented on, by other people. If you wish to remain anonymous you can contact your Ward Councillor who will raise the issues with us on your behalf.
What happens to my comments?
If the application goes to the Plans Committee your comments will be available to members of the Committee and may be included within written reports or read at public meetings of the Committee. You also have a right to request to speak at the meeting. All committee meeting dates are subject to change until five working days before the meeting.
Related Documents (1)
- Instructions for using Planning Explorer (PDF Document, 0.13 Mb)
Last updated: Sun 11th August, 2024 @ 17:41