Our Constitution sets out how we operate, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.
For more information about the Constitution please contact the Head of Democracy.
Our constitution
- 00. Index (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- Part 1. Contents and Introduction (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb)
- Part 2. Who Does What (PDF Document, 0.56 Mb)
- Part 2a. Delegation to Officers - Section 8 Council and Executive (PDF Document, 0.31 Mb)
- Part 3. Meeting procedures (PDF Document, 0.43 Mb)
- Part 4. Other Procedures (PDF Document, 0.4 Mb)
- Part 5. Codes and Protocols (PDF Document, 0.36 Mb)
The Constitution was last updated on May 13, 2024 following changes agreed by Council on April 22, 2024.
Remote meetings procedure and protocol
- Remote Meetings procedure rules (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
- Remote Meetings Etiquette and Protocol (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Filming and Webcasting meetings protocol
- Filming and Webcasting Meetings Protocol (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
Local Code of Corporate Governance
The Council has adopted a Local Code of Corporate Governance. The Code sets out our commitment to corporate governance and the arrangements which are being made to ensure its application and implementation. Compliance with the Code is monitored annually by the Audit Committee.
- Code of Corporate Governance (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb)
Last updated: Wed 5th February, 2025 @ 12:09