Here are some frequently asked questions about the restoration project at the Outwoods.

What’s happening at the Outwoods?

In 2019 the Council started a 10-year project to restore the Outwoods back to its natural and true historic state of an oak acid woodland. Non-native coniferous trees in the Outwoods will be gradually removed and native oak trees will be planted or allowed to grow back naturally over that time.

The Outwoods recently entered a five-year Countryside Stewardship scheme run by Natural England and the Forestry Commission. The scheme aims to preserve the ecology and habitats found in the Outwoods.

The first phase of the project was successfully completed in November 2019 and the second phase was completed in November 2021.

How much of the Outwoods is coniferous?

At the start of the project, about a quarter of the Outwoods is made up of coniferous trees such as Scots pine and European larch.

Why are the conifer trees there?

The coniferous trees were planted around 80 years ago as crop but add little benefit to the local wildlife and plants.

When will the trees be replaced and how?

Native trees to the area such as rowan and silver birch will be allowed to naturally grow back in each area. Oaks trees will be planted or allowed to grow back naturally after the conifers have been removed.

Around 1,000 oak trees were planted in February 2020 after the first section of conifers were removed in November 2019.

For the second phase of the project, a further 1,000 native trees such as oak were planted in January 2022.

Who removed the trees during the latest phase?

For the second phase of the project in November 2021, the coniferous trees were removed sensitively by Sharkey Forestry, a forestry and timber harvesting company.

How much will this cost and who is paying?

There is no cost to the Council. Sharkey Forestry will be paying the authority for the timber.

How long did the second phase take to complete?

Work on the second phase took around three weeks to complete.

Why did the Outwoods car park have to close again?

Large harvesting machines were used to remove the conifer trees near to the car park and it would not have been safe to allow visitors to use the car park while there was a large amount of timber near to the car park.

Visitors were able to use alternative parking at Nanpantan Sports Ground and Moat Road and follow the footpath diversions to walk up to the woodland.

What will happen to the timber which has been removed?

The timber is being sold to Sharkey Forestry and will be kept in the UK and turned into fence posts, firewood and horse bedding. 

What will the Council do with the revenue made from the timber?

The revenue will be invested back into making improvements at the Outwoods, and specifically to fund tree planting and after care.

Last updated: Wed 3rd July, 2024 @ 09:36