Guidance on uploading documents when using our online forms is set out below.

  • Please ensure images are clear
  • The maximum size for a file is 16MB
  • Please ensure your file names only include letters, numbers (no special characters i.e  & @ #)

Known issues for iPhone

We are aware that some images will not upload to our online forms from the photo library on an iPhone. It is related to an IOS upgrade. We are currently working on a fix.

You can select the ‘Take Photo’ option within the Upload Photograph/Document section when completing the online forms - these images will upload without any problems.

If you need to use a photo from your iPhone photo library, there are a few steps you will need to follow first to enable our online forms to upload the image. These are set out below:

  1. Go to your photo library

  2. Select the image you would like to upload
  3. Click on the share icon to the left of the screen
  4. Scroll down and press 'Save to file'
  5. Save in 'Downloads'
  6. Go to the upload photo section on the online form
  7. Press 'Choose file' and you will be able to select your photo from your Download file.

Last updated: Wed 21st September, 2022 @ 12:50