Landscape Character Areas MapThe Charnwood Landscape Character Assessment, 2012, identified the distinct landscapes within Charnwood by describing their key characteristics and natural, historical and cultural features.

It was set out in two parts:

Part 1 - A borough wide Landscape Character Assessment covering six distinct character areas:

  • Langley Lowlands
  • The Wolds
  • Charnwood Forest
  • Soar Valley
  • Wreake Valley
  • High Leicestershire

Part 2 - A Landscape Sensitivity and Capacity Study for the areas which adjoin the urban edges of Leicester, Loughborough and Shepshed to broadly assess the capacity of these landscapes to accommodate development.

Landscape policy

The Draft Core Strategy provides a series of policies against which development proposals would be assessed. The Charnwood Landscape Character Assessment provides evidence for the Core Strategy and in particular Policy CS 11 Landscape and the Countryside. 

Policy CS 11 and the Charnwood Landscape Character Assessment should be read together when considering proposals for development in the countryside in Charnwood.

Last updated: Mon 30th July, 2018 @ 12:24