We want to make it easy for you to know what to do if you’re facing anti-social behaviour (ASB) or other difficult behaviour.

ASB can be reported to Leicestershire Police via the online form on the Leicestershire Police website.

If someone is in immediate danger, or you believe a crime is in progress you should call 999 now. 

If you / the victim / or the person who is causing ASB lives in a housing association home, you should contact the housing association.

Some problems count as ASB, others don’t, and some are criminal offences. Because of this, it’s difficult to know who to speak to for help. Examples of behaviours that are unlikely to fall within the definition of ASB may include:

  • Normal everyday activities or household noise
  • Parking issues with no other associated anti-social behaviour
  • General talking
  • Moving furniture, banging doors, and running up and down stairs
  • DIY and car repairs unless they are taking place at unsocial hours (e.g. late at night or early hours)
  • Toilets flushing
  • Using a washing machine or vacuum cleaner
  • Crying babies
  • Children playing
  • Groups of people in the street or in parks, unless they are being rowdy, abusive, causing damage or committing other ASB
  • Cooking odours.

It may not be reasonable/possible to take enforcement action against children playing ball games unless the children are engaged in behaviour including (but not limited to), verbal abuse, criminal damage, damage to Council landscaping or / property or more serious nuisance.

Our ASB guide can help you find out about the most common issues people face. When you click on the section that is relevant to your problem, it will tell you:

  • What it is
  • What you can do to help resolve the issue
  • Who you need to speak to
  • How we can help

Many of them also include tips on how to (for example) speak to your neighbours, as well as what help we can offer (for example, mediation, victim support).

Visit the ASB toolkit

Last updated: Thu 29th August, 2024 @ 09:18