We are responsible for providing or managing a range of community facilities and infrastructure including green spaces, play areas, recreational facilities and sports pitches as well as public art, allotments and cemeteries.

We have close working arrangements with parish and town councils to reflect their important role in planning, delivering and managing these areas.

Infrastructure such as schools, health centres, libraries, road and transport matters are the responsibility of other statutory authorities such as the County Council or NHS and are therefore subject to alternative arrangements.

Funding for community facilities

Funding for community facilities may be available through the planning process and Section 106 agreements. Funding may also come from a variety of other sources, including grant funding from organisations such as the Heritage Lottery Fund and Sport England, charitable foundations and Council budgets.

If you are looking to make improvements to a community facility, such as a play area, community building, open space or a sports facility, in your parish then we would encourage you to get in touch with us.

We may be able to point you in the direction of funding opportunities and, importantly, it also helps us understand what changes or improvements communities say they need to help with long-term planning. Further information and contact details are below.

Protocol for Community Involvement

We have adopted a Protocol for Community Involvement in Infrastructure Planning (PDF Document, 0.15 Mb) which sets out how we will involve the community and its representatives in identifying needs and priorities for infrastructure.  

Section 106 Agreements

A significant source of infrastructure funding in recent years has been contributions from developers secured by legal documents called Section 106 Agreements, otherwise known as ‘planning obligations’.

These agreements are sometimes required to enable planning permission to be granted for a development proposal that would otherwise be unsatisfactory. They require developers to help manage the impacts of new development either through the provision of new infrastructure and community facilities or to pay for necessary facilities to be provided. 

More information on Section 106 Agreements

Infrastructure Funding Statements

Charnwood grants

We offer a range of grants which offer financial support to help community-led projects, individuals and voluntary sector organisations and other.

If you are involved in managing a community facility you may want to visit our Charnwood grants web page to find out more. Alternatively, email grants@charnwood.gov.uk.

More information on community infrastructure and funding

Parks and open spaces

Neighbourhood planning

All Section 106 Contributions

Leicestershire Funding Toolkit

The approach to supporting Shepshed Town Centre Public realm improvements through S106 contributions can be found by following the link below:

Review of Formula for Calculating S106 Contributions (Shepshed Town Centre Public Realm Project)

Last updated: Thu 20th April, 2023 @ 14:22