The Garendon Park Development (sometimes called the West of Loughborough Sustainable Urban extension) is a new development of 3,200 new houses, 16 hectares of land for employment use, a new local centre with shops and community facilities, two new primary schools, sports facilities, open spaces, play areas and sites for travellers and travelling show people. 

There will be a new link road through the development that joins the A512 with the A6 via two new roundabout junctions and improvements to roads in the area including the upgrade of the A512 between Snells Nook Lane and the M1 motorway to a dual carriageway.

Historic monuments will be restored and the registered park and garden will be opened up to the public. 


As the project progresses important contact details will be added here. At present the case officer at Charnwood Borough Council can be contacted at .

Persimmon Homes and William Davis contact details are available via the following website:

Leicestershire County Council who are conducting the works on the A512 can be contacted at

Last updated: Fri 9th June, 2023 @ 09:05