This page provides quick access to the key plans that have been approved.
Outline application
The illustrative masterplan was submitted with the outline application and shows the broad form of development across the whole site:
There are five parameter plans that set out guiding principles for the site area, land uses, building scale, green space and access:
- Document 17 - Site Area
- Document 18 - Land Use
- Document 19 - Building Scale
- Document 20 - Green Space
- Document 21 - Access
There are a number of plans that set out road improvements in the area:
- Document 22 - Roundabout Access from the A512
- Document 23 - Roundabout Access from the A6
- Document 24 - Improvements to the A512 and M1 junction
- Document 25 - Improvements at Bishops Meadow/A6 junction
There are also improvements to the signalling at the A512/Epinal Way roundabout proposed but there is no approved plan showing this at present. Further details will be added here once available.
The link road through the site is shown on a series of plans (running from the A512 to the A6 in sequence):
- Document 26 - Sections 0-2 (nearest A512)
- Document 27 - Sections 3 and 4
- Document 28 - Section 5
- Document 29 - Section 6 (Includes internal roundabout)
- Document 30 - Sections 7 and 8
- Document 31 - Section 9 (nearest A6)
A secondary access into the site is proposed from Hathern Road. This is shown on two Illustrative Plans but further details & possibly a revised design will be required before this can be approved in its final form. Further details will be added here once available:
Sections of Oxley Gutter have also been approved in illustrative form. Further details of this will emerge as detailed proposals are drawn up and will be added here once available:
Pedestrian and cycle routes through the park form an important part of opening it up to people. There are several routes that will be open at all times once they are complete. These are shown highlighted yellow on the approved park access plan.
The development shall be built out in phases. The first phases to be constructed are to the north-east of the site with new roundabout access off the A6 Hathern Road. Site wide phasing plans have been agreed to discharge condition 9 of the outline permission (conditions 9, 25 and 28 of P/14/1833/2 approved through discharge of conditions application ref. P/18/2406/2).
- Site Wide Phasing of Housing (PDF Document, 6.81 Mb)
A Development Framework Plan has been prepared by Persimmon and William Davis to set out the design principles which will be used to guide the layout and appearance of the development with details to be agreed through reserved matters applications for the phases. A link to the agreed Development Framework Plan is provided below:
- Development Framework Plan (PDF Document, 7.62 Mb)
Reserved Matters
‘The first reserved matters were granted on July 19, 2021 relating to phase 1a and associated landscaping. Full details can be found under application reference P/20/0515/2. The approved plans are listed in the following:
- P.20.0515.2 - Approved Plans (PDF Document, 0.1 Mb)
As the project progresses important contact details will be added here. At present the case officer at Charnwood Borough Council can be contacted at
William Davis Ltd are developing part of the site. A contact address for William Davis shall be made available when it is released.
Persimmon Homes who are developing the majority of the site are currently appointing a site manager. His or her contact details will appear here once they are released.
Leicestershire County Council who are conducting the works on the A512 can be contacted here
Last updated: Wed 21st July, 2021 @ 10:09