Our secure tenants have the right to exchange properties with another secure or assured tenant in the UK. 

Landlords can only refuse permission for a tenancy exchange if there are reasonable grounds for doing so. 

We are a member of the national HomeSwapper scheme - the UK's largest online community of social housing tenants who want to swap homes. Register online using the above link to find a mutual exchange partner.

Once you have found another tenant to exchange with, both parties must apply for permission from the council by completing and returning the form below. Your mutual exchange application will not be progressed until we have received signed application forms from both parties.

For further advice and information please contact your Tenancy and Estate Management Officer on 01509 634666 or email .

Before joining the mutual exchange scheme

You will not be able to move without the following conditions:

  • Written consent to the exchange has been received from the other tenant's landlord
  • The rent account is clear of arrears at the time of exchange
  • The properties are suitable for the needs of both tenants with no overcrowding
  • The new tenant will accept responsibility for the existing tenant's alterations and improvements

We will make a decision within 42 calendar days of receiving an application. Tenants must not swap properties until the Deed of Assignment has been signed.  If the properties are exchanged before the Deed of Assignment has been signed, the exchange is illegal. 

Grounds for refusal

Landlords can only refuse permission for a mutual exchange if there are reasonable grounds for doing so, these grounds include:

  • The council have a court possession order against your tenancy
  • Your home is too large or too small for your proposed exchange partners household (see FAQs below)
  • Your home has been adapted and your proposed exchange partner does not require the adaptations

Frequently asked questions

What do I do if I find someone to swap with?

All parties involved in the exchange will be required to complete and return a mutual exchange application form.

If the exchange involves a housing association tenant or a tenant from a different Council, that person will need to make an application to their Landlord as well.

What happens next?

Following receipt of the application we will arrange an appointment to carry out an inspection of the property. Representatives from our Repairs Team will also attend to identify any issues which require a repair or replacement and to identify any items which are not standard Council fixtures and fittings.

If the exchange involves a housing association or another Council, they will also need to visit their tenant to carry out an inspection. We will also request a reference from the other landlord regarding their tenant and will provide them with a reference in relation to our tenant.

We have 42 calendar days to provide you with a decision in relation to a request for an exchange. The 42-day deadline is for the Council to make a decision on whether or not the exchange can go ahead, and not a 42-day deadline for the exchange to be completed.

Please note: You must not exchange properties until the assignment paperwork has been signed. If you move prior to this you will have illegally exchanged and action will be taken against you.

What if I have rent arrears?

If you have rent arrears we would not refuse the exchange, however permission would be granted on condition that you cleared the arrears in full prior to signing the paperwork. 

Your rent account must be clear at the point of exchange.

Are there any exclusions to allowing an exchange?

There are a number of grounds for refusing an exchange. Listed below are some of the main reasons for refusing an exchange.

  • If you hold an Introductory Tenancy
  • If the property is substantially larger than required for the incoming household
  • If the property has been adapted and the person/family moving into the property would not require the adaptations
  • If we have served a Notice of Possession Proceedings or commenced legal action for rent arrears or breach of tenancy.

Last updated: Tue 17th September, 2024 @ 12:03