Tenancy and estate management officers visit all new tenants within the first four weeks of their tenancy.

This applies to:

  • New tenants
  • Tenants who transfer to another council property
  • People who move as a result of a mutual exchange.

The new tenant visit will be the Tenancy and Estate Management Officer's first opportunity to meet you and introduce themselves. The purpose of these visits are;

  • To ensure that you are settled into your new home
  • To ensure that you fully understand your rights and responsibilities as a new tenant
  • To advise you with problems or concerns you may have
  • To ensure that we hold up to date information on the occupants of the property.

Please note that any tenant residing in a sheltered scheme or receiving the visiting warden service will be visited by Warden Services who will complete a support plan as part of their visit.

Last updated: Wed 17th October, 2018 @ 09:56