If you are experiencing difficulties keeping up with your regular weekly payments, it is important you contact your Housing Income Officer as soon as possible.

We can offer information, help and advice and may be able to agree a payment arrangement to clear any rent debt.

Please find the link/form below where you can check your Rent Account balance:

Balance Enquiries

How can the Council help?

  • Discuss suitable payment arrangements that will allow you to pay of your rent arrears to Charnwood Borough Council
  • Give you benefits advice and assistance, budgeting and Income maximisation advice and referrals made to specialist money advice agencies through our Financial Inclusion Officers.

For further information, visit the help with your rent webpage.

Former tenant arrears

If you are no longer a tenant, and have left our property owing money on your rent account, these are known as former tenant arrears. Find out more information and how you can pay your arrears at the link below:

Former tenant arrears

More advice on rent arrears

The Bridge Housing Services

Website: www.thebridge-eastmidlands.org.uk

The Bridge can assist with Welfare Provision, Housing Advice, Tenancy Relations and offer Young People Services.

Citizens Advice Bureau

Website: www.charnwoodcab.org.uk

The Citizens Advice Bureau can assist with Debt Advice, Benefit Advice and Cost Of Living Support

Money Helper

Website: www.moneyhelper.org.uk/en

Money helper, formally known as Money Advice Service can help with Money Problems, Cost Of Living and Dealing With Debt

Clockwise Credit Union

Website: www.clockwise.coop

Clockwise Credit Union Is a non for profit organisation and can help with short term loans, current accounts, and savings.


Website: www.england.shelter.org.uk

Shelter provides Homeless Advice, Council Housing Advice, Advice On Benefits & Money, Housing Disrepair and Eviction Advice.

Last updated: Mon 8th April, 2024 @ 14:42