You can request a refund of overpaid rent charges if your current rent account is in credit.
To do so please complete all the details on the below form and return it to Housing Income, Landlord Services, Charnwood Borough Council, Southfields Rd, Loughborough, Leics, LE11 2TT so that we can process the refund.
If you are applying for a refund on behalf of a council tenant who is deceased or who cannot sign this request themselves and would like the refund to be paid to you, we will require a copy of the power of attorney or an order from the Court of Protection to be attached to the returned refund request form.
- Refund of Overpaid Rent/Charges Form (Word Document, 0.1 Mb)
To ensure the correct amount is refunded, there are several audit checks that we have to carry out. Once these audit checks are complete, it can take up to ten working days to process the refund.
If there are former tenant rent arrears, sundry debts, housing benefit or council tax overpayment invoices, this will be offset against the credit prior to any refund being made, which may reduce the amount refunded to you.
Please ensure you provide a daytime telephone number on the form so that we can contact you in case of any queries. This will ensure that your refund is not delayed.
Last updated: Mon 8th April, 2024 @ 15:00