An important element of the evidence base used to inform the preparation of the new Charnwood Local Plan are transport studies.

Charnwood Local Plan Transport Assessment

A strategic transport assessment has been undertakento inform the Pre-Submission Local Plan using the Pan-Regional Transport Model (PRTM), which is an extension of the Leicester and Leicestershire Integrated Transport Model (LLITM 2014).

Initially two different options for the distribution of development sites were tested and the results were used, along with a wide range of other evidence, to inform the identification of a third hybrid option for further testing. This further testing has informed the final site selection process.

The results of this modelling work enabled a package of mitigation measures to be identified which would support the delivery of the scale and distribution of development proposed in the Local Plan.

Charnwood Local Plan Option Testing Report

This study provides a “high level” assessment of a number of possible development options to help in identifying an appropriate strategy for development in the Borough.

The identified options tested different patterns of development and mitigation including focussing development in urban areas, more dispersed patterns of development and inclusion of a new settlement.

Last updated: Fri 28th May, 2021 @ 10:54