We always encourage residents to buy locally produced goods wherever possible to support the local economy and to buy Fairtrade when buying goods produced elsewhere to support ethical trade practices.

Farmers' market

Loughborough hosts a regular farmers' market which showcases local food. The market is usually held between 9am and 3pm on the second Wednesday of each month.

Dates for November may change due to the Loughborough Fair.

Local food

We provide allotments for residents who would like to grow their own food and there is training and assistance available from partner organisations, for those who wish to learn food-growing skills.

Charnwood Action for Fairtrade (CAFF)

CAFF is a local community group in Charnwood which works to support and promote Fairtrade. It was set up in 2004 by passionate individuals from groups around the borough, including;

  • volunteer groups such as the Loughborough Oxfam shop
  • faith groups including members of Loughborough Churches Together
  • representatives from Loughborough Students' Union and Charnwood Borough Council

Last updated: Fri 11th January, 2019 @ 11:59