If you own a property in Charnwood which is standing empty, you could be making better financial use of it by renting it out or selling it.
Empty properties are a financial burden - it is estimated to cost around £5,000 to keep a home empty. They are also a magnet for vandals, squatters and anti-social behaviour.
Bringing empty homes into use
We would like to see your empty home put back into use, which would save you money, peace of mind, and help tackle the continuing national housing shortage whilst resolving issues of homelessness and overcrowding in the borough.
Once a property has been empty for two years, the Private Housing Sector will contact the owners or agents to discuss all the possible options available to them to bring the property back in to use. There are many ways we can help you to do this, including:
- Partnership Grants to part-fund refurbishments and get properties back on the rental market
- Help to find tenants for your property
- Give you access to discounted selling fees with local agents and auctioneers
- Advise and help you decide what's best for your empty property
For more information or to discuss your options with our Empty Homes Officer, please call 01509 634938.
Report issues with an empty property
Need help deciding?
We understand that there are a number of reasons why you may be wary of selling your empty property; money worries, inheritance issues, family disputes, insurance or sentimentality. Whatever your reason we would like to help, and to give you that extra push, here are a few facts about empty homes:
- If your property has been empty for more that two years, a builder carrying out renovations can charge VAT at 5 per cent instead of the standard 20 per cent.
- Our grants and loans can be used to renovate a home that is being brought back on the market.
- It costs an average between £800 and £1000 a month to rent a three bedroom property in Loughborough.
- The average cost of a home in the east midlands is £253,500
- You could end up paying 100 per cent more council tax on properties which have been empty for more than two years.
For more information on empty homes
Last updated: Fri 17th February, 2023 @ 10:20