We are required to have a publication scheme, which provides details about information which is routinely published by us.
The Information Commissioners Office provides a model publication scheme, which provides a description of the classes or types of information which should be published.
Below is a list of publications which are available under this scheme, and links to the relevant webpages where appropriate.
In exceptional circumstances some information may be available only by viewing in person. Where this is the case, contact details will be provided. An appointment to view the information will be arranged within a reasonable timescale.
The Council makes datasets available for re-use under the Open Government Licence on its Open Data webpage and the link to the Frequently asked questions page.
If you require further information on these publications, please contact FOI@charnwood.gov.uk.
Who we are and what we do
Organisational information, locations and contacts, constitutional and legal governance:
- Council constitution
- Democratic Structure
- Organisational chart
- Gender Pay Gap Reports
- Currently elected councillors’ information and contact details
- Contact details for all customer-facing departments
- Most recent election results
- Relationships with other authorities
What we spend and how we spend it
Financial information about projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit:
- Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
- Details of expenditure over £500
- Capital plan - See Cabinet Papers
- Financial audit reports
- Councillor allowances and expenses
- Pay and grading structure
- Senior Staff Salaries
- Election expenses - See Council papers
- Procurement procedures
- Contracts and Tenders List
- Community Grants
- District auditor’s report - See Audit Committee papers
- Internal financial regulations – Part 4, Chapter 16 of the Constitution
- Trade Union Facility Time
What our priorities are and how are we doing
Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews:
- Annual reports, Business Plan and Council performance
- Community partnership working
- Economic development action plan
- Forward plan
- Equality Impact assessments
- Service standards
- FOI Performance Statistics
- Website Feedback Statistics
- Welfare, Health & wellbeing
How we make decisions
Decision-making processes and records of decisions:
Our policies and procedures
Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities:
- Policies
- Data Protection Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Staff Policies
- Customer service
- Equality, diversity & inclusion policies
- Charging regimes and policies
Lists and registers
Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority:
- Licensing Register
- HMO Register
- Planning Applications
- Asset registers
- Interactive Maps
- Councillors declaration of interests
- Register of gifts and hospitality - Available to view at council offices, please call 01509 634560 to book an appointment.
- Mayoral Register of Gifts and Hospitality
- Register of Electors available to view at council offices, please call 01509 634560 to book an appointment.
- Public Register of cooling towers and evaporative condensers
- Brownfield Land Register
Services provided by the council
Information about the services the council provides including leaflets, guidance and newsletters:
Last updated: Thu 26th September, 2024 @ 15:12